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$1999 / mo$19.99 / monthlynormally$29.99$59$1 to Join!What's included? (Premium Plus)
Premium Plus Membership Includes:
- Free Weights
- Cardio
- Turf Training
- Free WiFi
- Locker Rooms
- Learn More about Inbody Scan
Delivers standard measurements like Percent Body Fat, Skeletal Muscle Mass, BMR, and more. Every InBody Test includes a full-page Result Sheet printout that details muscle, fat, and water measurements and highlights specific areas to focus on.
- Learn More about Hydromassage
A blissful relaxation experience as powerful water jets gently massage your body, providing soothing relief and rejuvenation before or after your workouts.
- Guests receive Basic member level access Friday - Sunday.
- Access to over 30 California locations!
- Our stationery cycles are top of the line, fully adjustable and make for a great class that focuses on endurance, strength, intervals, high intensity and recovery!
- Learn More about Red Light Therapy
Utilize the benefits of low-level wavelengths of red light that penetrate the skin, stimulating cellular rejuvenation, enhancing collagen production, and promoting various therapeutic benefits for the skin and body.
- Learn More about Tanning
Enjoy unlimited tanning at a fraction of the cost with our exceptional tanning booths, featuring renowned brands like Ergoline and others typically found in upscale salons.
- Sauna
- Learn More about Cryo Lounger
Experience the benefits of heat and cold therapy at Fitness 19. The CryoLounge+ is the perfect tool for relieving pain in muscles and joints, improving circulation, reducing inflammation and swelling, and boosting energy levels and mood.
Compression boots are specialized devices designed to improve circulation and speed up recovery. They consist of air-filled chambers that wrap around the legs and rhythmically inflate and deflate. This action mimics the body’s natural muscle contractions, promoting blood flow and lymphatic drainage. Goodbye sore muscles!
$1499 / mo$14.99 / monthlynormally$19.99$59 to Join!What's included? (Basic)
Basic Membership Includes:
- Free Weights
- Cardio
- Turf Training
- Free WiFi
- Locker Rooms