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If you have aches and pains, or need to recover after a good workout, the CryoLounge+ is for you.

Targeted Cold and Heat Therapy for Recovery

The CryoLounge+ is an innovative new way to get all the benefits of cold and heat without the hassles.

Experience the benefits of heat and cold therapy at Fitness 19. The CryoLounge+ is the perfect tool for relieving pain in muscles and joints, improving circulation, reducing inflammation and swelling, and boosting energy levels and mood.

The CryoLounge+ should be your last stop so you feel great as you leave the gym.

Available at select locations for Premium and Premium Plus members. CLICK HERE to find a Fitness 19 location near you with CryoLounge+! 

CryoLounge+ Screen
CryoLounge+ Space

Frequently Asked Questions


Premium and Premium Plus Fitness 19 members have daily access to the CryoLounge+. 

A CryoLounge+ session at Fitness 19 will last approximately 15 minutes. Enjoy!

The CryoLounge was designed to provide targeted cold and heat for anyone with aches & pains, or members who need recovery after a workout, without the hassles of ice packs, cold tubs, or heating pads.

The purpose of the CryoLounge+ is to deliver a “comfortable cold” experience. Start by targeting areas with cold where you might be experiencing sore muscles or aches & pains, and use the heat in other areas to keep comfortable.

Generally, CryoLounge+ is recommended for post-workout recovery.

Of the 6 total zones, a maximum of 4 may be set to either cold or heat. This was purposely done for safety to ensure a “comfortable cold” experience. Cold is delivered to targeted areas, however the goal is not to lower or raise the entire body temperature with cold or heat in all zones.

The CryoLounge+ reaches temperatures as cold as 28°30° F and as warm as 115° F. There is a “Temperature Settings” button at the bottom of the screen to adjust the temperature of both the cold or heat zones. 


The CryoLounge+ may be used every day if desired. 

Get a Free 3-Day Gym Pass

Try the CryoLounge+ for free today. No commitment necessary!